The upper left corner of the image is a white background with the LD logo in black. The remainder is in LD blue, with the ConNote logo and the words "Exploring ConNote: Invoicing" as a caption. A graphic depicting a manual invoicing process is in the centre.

Exploring ConNote: Invoicing

John Kohl - Nov 24, 2023

The world runs on paperwork – and invoices are one of the most necessary pieces of that puzzle. In the transport industry, this can be quite a challenge. Between quotes, consignments, proof of delivery dockets, and pricing lists, converting the hard work of your drivers and admin staff into cashflow can be an intensive and error-prone process. ConNote is our comprehensive answer to the challenges of managing a transport business, invoicing included.

We have designed ConNote to mirror business processes at every step of the way. By the time you get to creating your invoices, you may have created several manifest records, each containing perhaps dozens of consignments, some of which may have been quoted… and so on and so forth. The point is, that all of this data is electronically tracked – so ConNote can do all the work for you!

Generating your invoices through ConNote is straightforward and fast. From a list of completed and uninvoiced manifests, you can quickly filter by customer, date, destination, and more. Select the manifests you wish to invoice, confirm your selection, and ConNote will crunch the numbers for you. At this point, you now have one or more invoices ready to be printed, emailed, and/or exported to your accounting package of choice.

When you’re ready to finalise the invoices and send them off, you can take advantage of one of our latest improvements to ConNote: batch processing. All you need to set this up is to nominate an email address for each customer. As each invoice is already linked to a customer, the software enables you to send each invoice to it’s intended recipient with one click. You can also set up email templates to customise your message, as well as attach additional documents such as linked consignments.

Invoicing is the lifeblood of your business, so accuracy and speed are paramount. With ConNote, we have taken great care in crafting a software package which will empower you to spend more time on transport, and less on admin. We have been able to do this by working closely with our clients in the transport industry, understanding their needs, and crafting features to meet those needs. If there is an improvement you would like to see, please do get in touch!