Title is "Seamless Data Transfer - ConNote EDI Case Study". Logical Developments logo and ConNote logo.  Picture of two trucks on an information highway with data flowing between them

Case Study: EDI Transformation in Transport – Bishops Transport's Success

Paul Mulroney

Nov 8, 2024

Implementing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has proven transformative for Bishops Transport, a leading logistics company looking to streamline operations and cut costs. With Logical Developments’ expertise, Bishops integrated an EDI system that automated data exchange with their partners, reducing manual errors, boosting efficiency, and saving significant operational costs. This case study explores how EDI enabled Bishops Transport to overcome industry challenges, achieve a seamless data flow, and strengthen their competitive position in the fast-paced transport sector. Discover the measurable benefits of EDI and why it’s a game-changer for modern logistics.

The image depicts the LD logo in the top left, and is captioned "Feature Focus: ConNote Pricelists". A graphic in the centre shows a person using a laptop with a thought bubble containing a scale balancing a person and a coin, representing the process of creating a pricelist.

Feature Focus: ConNote Pricelists

John Kohl

Oct 14, 2024

Struggling to manage complex pricing in your transport business? ConNote’s pricelist feature simplifies the process by centralizing routes, freight types, and weight breakpoints, allowing you to customize rates and automate calculations. From flexible pricing to fixed service fees, ConNote helps you optimize your pricing structure as your business grows. Discover how this tool can streamline your workflow and request a demo today!

ConNote mobile app login screen.  The icons found on the home screen

ConNote Mobile - A Walkthrough

Paul Mulroney

Oct 2, 2024

Discover how the ConNote Mobile App revolutionizes freight management in Australia, making it easier to track, manage, and streamline every step of the freight workflow. From pickups and deliveries to trailer loading and storage, ConNote mobile ensures efficiency, reduces admin work, and enhances visibility across your operations. Ready to optimize your freight process? Get a sneak peek into how this powerful tool can transform your business!

Picture of a airplane flying across the bottom of the image.  The RFDS logo.
                Text: I'm riding this October because every TWO MINUTES someone needs the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Oceans to Outback fundraiser

Paul Mulroney

Oct 1, 2024

Every two minutes, someone in Australia relies on the Royal Flying Doctor Service. From life-saving emergency care to essential health services in the country’s most remote areas, the RFDS has been a lifeline for nearly a century. Now, you can help support their vital work. This October, Paul Mulroney, General Manager at Logical Developments, is taking on a fitness challenge to raise funds for the RFDS. Find out how you can get involved and make a difference today!

API Outbound

Outbound APIs: Streamline Your Workflow and Boost Efficiency

Paul Mulroney

Sep 25, 2024

In today’s fast-paced business world, seamless data flow is essential for cutting down manual work and reducing errors. That’s where Outbound APIs come in. In our latest article, we explore how you can leverage these powerful tools to automate your workflow, boost productivity, and streamline communication between systems. Learn how solutions like ConNote integrate with APIs to automate freight logistics, invoicing, and email notifications—allowing you to focus on growing your business, not managing data.

WA Leaders

Unlocking Leadership and Business Growth: Paul from Logical Developments's Journey with WA Leaders

Maddie Thai

Sep 25, 2024

Paul, from Logical Developments, shares his transformative experience with the WA Leaders program, where he gained invaluable insights into leadership, strategy, and business management. Since joining in 2023 through the City of Canning’s Future Leaders Program, Paul has sharpened his skills by learning to balance the roles of shareholder, director, and manager, while expanding his focus beyond the technical side of his business.
